The Galaxy Express 999 Will take you on a journey A never ending journey A journey to the stars
EXPRESS THREE NINE trains planes electrify can't fake the ways that I FEEL so REAL I can't DENY Ah-I'm… NO FOOL, don't be CRUEL This WHAT we DO, when WE in the ROOM プロメシューム目がけてアンドロメダにZOOM Ra-Ra-RAISE that level of BOOM! そしたら一面、異次元、ディスタンス のあるとこまで TAKE you THERE… hands in the AIR like yall don't CARE… Feel so RIGHT can't be WRONG 結局 HUMAN AFTER ALL
The Galaxy Express 999 Will take you on a journey A never ending journey A journey to the stars
The Galaxy Express 999 Will take you on a journey A never ending journey A journey to the stars
The Galaxy Express 999 Will take you on a journey A never ending journey A journey to the stars
The Galaxy Express 999 Will take you on a journey A never ending journey A journey to the stars
The Galaxy Express 999 Will take you on a journey A never ending journey A journey to the stars
The Galaxy Express 999 Will take you on a journey A never ending journey A journey to the stars…