この胸に満ちてゆけ 気高き共鳴の True force --- Look into your inner light ---
I must be gone and die, or stay and live So your decision is the same as I believe Every light has its shadow, I'll bet Let's be optimistic, fear not 「強さに意味はあるのか」と 終わりのない地平が嗤った 生まれた理由など 自分で決めるものさ
'He that fears death lives not' So take a step towards me, dear --- I trust your word --- 忘れられない過去さえ 捨て去れる場所が見えるかい?
Is there no such thing as good and evil? I'd like to think I've wised up a little 'Course my mind is made up! Draw a bead on Let's get down, it's time to move on 脳裏をよぎる あのイメージ 罪をも赦す輝きか 救いは外にはない 自分の中にあるさ
So I don't want to fear death, But rather the inadequate life --- You're my savior --- 差し込む光を集め あの世界をここに呼ぼう